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起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-22 17:18
浏览次数: 143
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淮安NSK轴承626-ZZ无油润滑有哪些好处 详细说明


Oil-free sliding bearings are bearings that work under sliding friction. Oil-free sliding bearing achieves self-lubrication through design, and works smoothly, reliably and noiselessly. Under the condition of liquid lubrication, the sliding su-ce is separated by lubricating oil without direct contact, which can greatly reduce friction loss and su-ce wear. The oil film also has a certain ability to reduce vibration.


But the starting friction resistance is bigger. The part supported by Huaian NSK bearing is calLED the shaft diameter, and the part matched with the shaft diameter is called the bearing sleeve. In order to improve the friction performance of the bearing bush su-ce, the anti-friction material layer poured on the inner su-ce of the bearing bush is called the bearing bush.


The material of bearing bush and bushing is called sliding bearing material. It is difficult to maintain and lubricate in low speed and heavy applications.


The sliding bearing has the advantages of - structure, convenient manufacture, small radial dimension, strong ability to absorb vibration of lubricating oil film, large imPACt load, stable operation and no noise. Under the condition of guaranteeing liquid friction, the shaft can run at high speed for a long time. It is suitable for precision mi, high speed and heavy rotary occasions.


Huaian NSK bearings are mainly used in construction machinery axle sleeve, pin sleeve joint (excavator, bulldozer, loader), heavy balance axle sleeve, motorcycle shock absorber axle sleeve, hydraulic industry, hydraulic gear pump axle sleeve, cylinder, cylinder liner, injection moulding machine, vulcanizer, mould industry, elastic model, automobile, etc. Movable Die Guide Plate, Hydraulic Machinery Turbine, Forging. Industry, stamping machine, metallurgical industry.


Cylindrical roller bearings are characterized by cylindrical roller and raceway called linear contact bearings. The load-bearing capacity is large, and it mainly bears radial load. Cylindrical roller bearings are very suitable for high-speed rotation because they have very little friction between the fixed edges of the rollers and rings. Cylindrical roller Huaian NSK bearing is a separable structure of inner and outer rings.


Bearing cylindrical roller bearings can be divided into inner ring or outer ring single-sided and double-sided cylindrical roller bearings, whose inner ring and outer ring can move relative to the axis, so they can be used as Zi by end bearings. Cylindrical roller bearings with double baffles on one side of inner and outer rings and single baffles on the other side can bear certain axial loads in one direction. Generally speaking, the sheet metal stamping cage or integral cage is integrated with the Progressive Party automobile system. But some people use polyamide as cages.


The bearing cylindrical roller Huaian NSK bearings have linear or downward contact between the roller and raceway. They have large radial bearing capacity. It is suitable for heavy load and impact load. The friction coefficient is small, so it is suitable for high-speed ball bearings near the limit speed of deep groove. They have high requirements for the processing of shafts or seats. Le is very high.


文章来自:淮安SKF轴承 -

Article from: Huaian SKF Bearing -

文章来自:淮安INA轴承 -

Article from: Huaian INA Bearing -


Article from: Huaian NSK Bearing






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