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起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-22 19:35
浏览次数: 102
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使用INA轴承HK3232前需要做哪些必要的检查 详细说明


In order to fully observe the regular inspection and replacement of the machine, and remove the bearings, check the raceway su-ce condition and whether there is no damage, whether it can be reused, see item 5: inspection of imported bearings. Inspection items in operation include rolling sound, vibration, temperature and lubrication of INA bearings. Specifically as follows: when abnormal conditions are found in operation.


Check the rolling sound of the bearing through the microphone. Even if the imported bearing has slight peeling damage, it will produce abnormal and irregular sound, which can be distinguished by microphone.


Bearing vibration is very sensitive to the damage of bearing such as spalling, indentation, rust, crack and wear, which can be reflected in bearing vibration measurement. Therefore, the special bearing vibration measuring device (frequency analyzer, etc.) can be used to measure vibration, and the abnormal situation can not be inferred from the frequency. According to the working condition of INA bearings or the installation position of sensors, the measured values vary from today to today, so it is necessary to analyze and compare the measured values of each machine before determining the judgment criteria.


The temperature of the imported bearing can be obtained from the temperature outside the bearing. If the oil hole can directly measure the temperature of the bearing outer ring, it is more suitable. Usually, the temperature of the bearing rises slowly with the start of operation and reaches a stable state after 1-2 hours. The heat caPACity, heat dissipation, rotational speed and load of bearing chamber temperature randomizer are different. If the lubrication and installation parts are suitable, the bearing temperature will rise sharply and abnormal high temperature will occur. At this time, we must stop working and take necessary precautions. According to a large number of test data, the average temperature of various INA bearing outer rings is listed in this table for reference.


Bearing lubrication plays an important role in the fatigue life, friction, wear, temperature rise and vibration of rolling bearings. Bearings cannot work without normal lubrication. The analysis of the causes of bearing damage shows that about 40% of bearing damage is related to good lubrication bu. Therefore, good bearing lubrication is a youeffect measure to reduce bearing friction and wear. In addition, the lubrication of bearings also has the functions of heat dissipation, rust prevention, sealing and shock absorption. The lubrication of bearings can be simply described as follows:


A. Forming oil film between two rolling or sliding su-ces, separating the two su-ces, reducing friction and wear on the contact su-ce.


B. When using INA bearing oil lubrication, especially when using circulating oil lubrication, oil mist lubrication and oil injection lubrication, the lubricant can take away most of the friction heat of the bearing and play the role of heat dissipation.


C. Grease lubrication can prevent foreign matter such as dust from entering the bearing and play a sealing role.


文章来自:SKF轴承 -

Article from: SKF Bearing -

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Article from: NSK Bearing






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