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起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-22 07:36
浏览次数: 88
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泰州NSK轴承61812-Z噪声异常的处理方式 详细说明


As the motor Taizhou NSK bearing * * initial use of NU deep groove bearing, the motor allows axial movement. Bearing inner rings keep edges on both sides and outer rings do not keep edges, so the relative bearing displacement of the shaft is allowed to withstand the elongation caused by the thermal expansion of the shaft. At the same time, the bearing clearance is larger than the deep groove ball bearing, but the force of the bearing is linear, better than the bearing point.


1. Abnormal noise of motor bearing


Feed water pump high voltage (6kV) motor YKK400-2, power 450kW, speed 2975r/min. Shaft extension part is deep groove column NU3E222 bearing, no negative Taizhou NSK bearing bearing end uses deep groove 6222 bearings. The distance between the axes is 28m / s, and the current fluctuates greatly.


The allowable clearance of Taizhou NSK bearing is calculated to be 0.7mm because the axle extension end can not adjust the axle size. When the motor bearing temperature reaches 100, the bearing value. 9mm can not meet the requirements of normal motor operation. After repeated replacement of deep groove bearings, the motor noise did not disappear, and the abnormal sound cycle changed to 4 minutes.


2. Failure analysis and treatment


According to the characteristics of NSK bearings in Taizhou, NU type deep groove bearings are used in the motor to make the metal motor move axially. Bearing inner ring has two sides to maintain edges, the outer ring does not maintain edges, so the shaft can allow displacement in two directions relative to the bearing, and can withstand the extension caused by the thermal expansion of the shaft. At the same time, the bearing clearance is larger (or deeper) than the deep groove ball bearing and has raceway clearance. The force exerted on the bearing makes the path ellipse. The supporting force is too large. For deep groove bearing, the force point is a straight line. In high speed operation, due to the clearance of the bearing, the force point changes, and the force trajectory becomes parabola.


The feed pump motor is mainly affected by axial force during operation, and the driving load is stable. Radial movement of deep groove column bearing decreases. Therefore, the bearing clearance of the former Taizhou NSK bearing is still C3, about 0.04 millimeters, which can meet the operation requirements. Considering the expansion of the bearing, the contact between the deep groove ball bearing and the raceway is more uneven, and the high frequency imPACt is greater. The contact point between deep groove ball bearing and raceway is point, and high frequency impact is small. Therefore, in this case, deep groove ball bearings can replace deep groove ball bearings. Resolve abnormal sounds.

在槽柱轴承变为深沟球轴承后,轴承的异响消动幅值为0.013 mm,转速为2.8/s2。电机的负载性能稳定,电流波动不大。

When grooved column bearing is changed into deep groove ball bearing, the abnormal noise attenuation amplitude of the bearing is 0.013 mm and the speed is 2.8/s2. The load performance of the motor is stable and the current fluctuation is not large.


文章来自:泰州SKF轴承 www.wh-skf.com

The article is from: Taizhou SKF bearing www.wh-skf.com

文章来自:泰州INA轴承 www.ina-china.cn

The article is from: Taizhou INA bearing www.ina-china.cn

文章来自:泰州NSK轴承 www.klbbearings.com

The article is from: Taizhou NSK bearing www.klbbearings.com






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