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起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-22 08:24
浏览次数: 93
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组合安装泰州INA轴承NKI20/20的问题要素及解决 详细说明

1) 在洁净的情况下装置轴承:装置场地应与车、磨床和-机械设备相距一段间隔。场地应清扫洁净,常常坚持枯燥洁净,水分等进入泰州INA轴承。反省轴承箱(座)、轴和轴承的-相关组件以确保其洁净。轴承应留在原有包装中直到装置前的一刻,以避免被污染。

(1) Installation of bearings in clean conditions: The installation site shall be separated by a certain distance from lathes, grinders and other mechanical equipment. The site should be clean and clean, often insisting on dry and clean, moisture into the Taizhou INA bearing. Reflect on the bearing box (seat), shaft and other relevant components of the bearing to ensure its cleanliness. Bearings should be left in the original PACkaging until the moment before the device to avoid contamination.


In principle, different brands of grease can not be mixed, and even the same kind of thickener grease, due to the different additives, will have a negative impact on each other.


The su-ce is coated with anti-rust oil. You must clean it carefully with clean gasoline or kerosene, and then coat it with clean, high-quality or high-speed and high-temperature grease before installing it. Cleanliness has a great influence on the life and vibration and noise of INA bearings in Taizhou. But we would like to remind you in particular that fully enclosed bearings do not need to be cleaned and refueLED.


In addition, at least 14% of all that has been sealed with grease and oil free of maintenance is contaminated only by the use of bearings in a small fraction of all early bearing failures. Bearing has excellent manufacturing and design capabilities, can provide a variety of harsh working conditions sealing solutions.


Installation condition is one of the most important factors in use, which often leads to the change of stress state among all parts of the whole bearing due to improper installation. The internal factors of abnormal operation and early end of service life of the bearing mainly refer to structural design, manufacturing process and material quality, which determine the INA bearing in Taizhou. Three factors of quality.


1) It is possible to check whether accidental loads and installation errors have been added, and it can be used as a clue to investigate the causes of bearing damage.


2) Bearing installation parameters: bearing and shaft and bearing seat coordination, installation bias and other factors also have an impact on bearing vibration.


When the bearing rotates, the raceway su-ce of the inner ring and the outer ring is in rolling contact with the rolling body, so the running track is dark, and the running track attached to the raceway su-ce is not abnormal, thus the load condition can be known. Therefore, when the universal joint bearing is removed, please pay close attention to and observe the running track of the raceway su-ce. Bearing large axial load, bearing moment load, or extreme rigidity unequal on the bearing box.


3) Bearing working conditions: In the running process of Taizhou INA bearing, load, speed and lubrication conditions have the greatest impact on bearing vibration.


4) Bearing design parameters: including the number of bearing rollers, ring wall thickness and clearance.


Manufacturing error of bearing parts: including bearing raceway and rolling su-ce roughness. A large number of experimental studies have shown that the effect of Waviness on vibration is dominant, while the effect of su-ce roughness and roundness is relatively small.


文章来自:泰州SKF轴承 www.wh-skf.com

Article from: Taizhou SKF Bearing www.wh-skf.com

文章来自:泰州INA轴承 www.ina-china.cn

Article from: Taizhou INA Bearing www.ina-China.cn

文章来自:泰州NSK轴承 www.klbbearings.com

Article from: Taizhou NSK Bearing www.klbbearings.com





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