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所在地: 湖北
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最后更新: 2021-11-25 13:29
浏览次数: 86
终于知道英语四级新闻听力习题 详细说明

  A. How artificial intelligence is used to assist doctors.
  B. How artificial intelligence is used to replace doctors.
  C. How doctors help artificial intelligence become smarter.
  D. How doctors prepare to comPETe with artificial intelligence.
  A. In one test conducted by Google, AI was more accurate in examining images to diagnose diabetic eye disease.
  B. Other tests showed that machine learning can be used to study massive amounts of patient data to predict future medical events.
  C. Google makes clear the AI-based system is not meant to replace the work of medical professionals.
  D. Google states that AI is designed to reduce the number of false identifications and help doctors work faster and more effectively.
  1. According to the news report, what’s the main idea of the news report
  A. How artificial intelligence is used to assist doctors.
  B. How artificial intelligence is used to replace doctors.
  C. How doctors help artificial intelligence become smarter.
  D. How doctors prepare to compete with artificial intelligence.
  2. According to the news report, which of the following statements is not true
  A. In one test conducted by Google, AI was more accurate in examining images to diagnose diabetic eye disease.
  B. Other tests showed that machine learning can be used to study massive amounts of patient data to predict future medical events.
  C. Google makes clear the AI-based system is not meant to replace the work of medical professionals.
  D. Google states that AI is designed to reduce the number of false identifications and help doctors work faster and more effectively.
  Google says it is deeply involved in developing artificial intelligence(人工智能), or AI, to help doctors identify(确认) and treat disease. The company previously(之前) announced successful tests of machine learning systems designed to assist(协助,帮助) doctors. In one case, Google reported AI had examined images to diagnose(诊断) diabetic(糖尿病的) eye disease with equal accuracy(准确率) to doctors. Other tests showed that machine learning can be used to study massive amounts of patient data to predict future medical events. But Google makes clear the AI-based system is not meant to replace the work of medical professionals. Instead, it is designed to reduce the number of false(错误的) identifications and help doctors work faster and more effectively. The studies suggest that "people and algorithms(算法) can work together effectively to perform better than either alone," Google said in a statement. The company says that clearly more AI research and experiments will be necessary to further progress in the fight against breast cancer(乳腺癌). But it is hopeful that "deep learning technologies and well-designed clinical(临的) tools" can be continually developed to improve accuracy and availability for patients worldwide.


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