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最后更新: 2021-11-25 13:30
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终于理会2018年9月15日雅思大作文真题关于男女共同承担家务的范文及解析 详细说明

  2018 年 9 月 15 日的雅思考试已经结束,为大家带来本场雅思大作文真题范文及解析,本期雅思大作文题目是:In many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men, so there is logic that men and women should share the housework tasks equally ( like cleaning and looking after children ) . To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  该大作文题型属于议论文,素材是关于社会问题下面的男女家务分工。常考职场中男女平等问题,男女就业及家庭中各自的责任。该题目是说现在在很多国家,越来越多的女性和男性一样做全职工作, 所以他们共同承担家务是合理的。可以采用 5 段式作文结构。
  P1:引入话题 亮明观点 ;
  P2:让步段:有人认为女性承担家务是合理的因为女性性格特点和传统社会观念 ;
  P3:指出为什么同意观点一:平分家务有助于构建和谐家庭和促进孩子教育 ;
  P4:指出为什么同意观点二:还有利于消除职场歧视,帮助女性实现更好就业前景 ;
  In many parts of the world, there is now greater equality in education and employment between males and females. Nevertheless, women still tend to undertake more domestic chores. I personally believe that this is not justified and household tasks should be divided equally between husbands and wives.
  There may indeed be good arguments for allowing housework to remain predominantly female. This is because women are generally more patient in whichever type of work they engage in and due to their maternal instinct, they assume the main responsibility of raising children. Even in some countries, a family is built on the belief that men are supposed to occupy business leaders while women should play the role of housekeeper in spite of the many advances they have made in workplace.
  However, equal distribution of housework is conducive to promoting the mutual affection between couples and harmonizing the family life. The social reality and the rising costs of living have meant that both marriage partners have to work, so if men were willing to share trivial housework, this would definitely strengthen their understanding of their wives. In addition, There is considerable amount of evidence suggesting that with the companionship of father, a child ’ s personality like optimism, passion and courage could be better cultivated.
  Moreover, this change helps alleviate inequality in other areas including education, promotion of workplace. It is universally acknowLEDged that women continue to be at a disadvantage when it comes to pay and promotion especially when they are pregnant or becoming new mothers. That is the reason why many working women have to deter their fertility. Therefore, men assuming childcare responsibilities allows women to be more concentrated on their career and achieve better career prospects, which might even facilitate fertility.
  In conclusion, breaking gender inequality in the housework benefits the families, the children and the society as a whole, thus governments can encourage change and promote that it is fair and reasonable for males to share the housework.
  domestic chores 家务琐事
  assume the main responsibility 承担主要责任
  predominantly female 女性主导的
  maternal instinct 母性本能
  in spite of 尽管
  is conducive to 有助于
  promoting the mutual affection between couples 促进夫妻间的感情
  achieve better career prospects 实现更好的就业前景
  facilitate fertility 促进生育
  breaking gender inequality 打破男女不平等
  There may indeed be good arguments for 让步段开头的表达
  a family is built on the belief that 同位语从句
  so if men were willing 虚拟语气 if ( 过去时 ) , 主句 would do
  There is considerable amount of evidence suggesting that 事实举例论证
  It is universally acknowledged that 主语从句
  men assuming childcare responsibilities allows -ing 形式 动名词复合结构作主语

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