终于清楚GRE阅读机经复习分享 GRE报名


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终于清楚GRE阅读机经复习分享 GRE报名

发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-04 19:00
浏览次数: 65
终于清楚GRE阅读机经复习分享 GRE报名 详细说明

Shapin’s book demonstrates that contrary to a widely held belief, industrial research has not invariably been more regimented than academic science. He argues that the intellectual freedom historically available to industrial scientists during the twentieth century has been underestimated. Many companies, recognizing that the results of scientific investigation were necessarily uncertain and that profits, if any, might take years to materialize, granted scientists considerable latitude to develop their ideas and follow them in unexpected directions. Some companies even provided senior scientists with free time to pursue their own research interests, whatever they might be. Consequently, some scientists were drawn to industrial research not primarily because of the generally good financial compensation but because they saw industry as the best place to do cutting-edge research.
  1. The passage’s discussion of “free time” suggests that
  A. senior scientists in industry have been less likely than junior scientists to remain in positions where opportunities to conduct their own research are restricted.
  B. scientists who work in industry can gain financially from their own independent research as well as from research they conduct for their companies.
  C. scientists who work in industry have tended to become frustrated by their employers’ expectations that their research will be restricted to areas deemed to be in the employers’ interests.
  D. industry has sometimes been willing to support scientific research that has no prospect of yielding a direct profit.
  E. industrial scientists have not differed from academic scientists in the amount of time they are able to dedicate to pure research.
  解析:先定位文章中的free time,然后看到句子里面有一个even表示递进的用法,说明这里free time的作用和前一句是同方向的。而前一句说“granted scientists considerable latitude to develop their ideas and follow them in unexpected directions”,也就是说这里的free time其实就是公司给科学家做研究的自由,而且是在不确定是否能够带来收益的前提下给的自由,所以对应D选项。
  2. It can be inferred that those who hold the “belief” mentioned in the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about scientists?
  A. Scientists who conduct research in university settings have generally been less motivated than researchers employed in industry to pursue scientific inquiries solely for the sake of advancing knowLEDge.
  B. Scientists have not been primarily motivated by financial considerations in choosing among different professional settings in which to conduct their research.
  C. Scientists employed by for-profit companies have always tended to have their research restricted by their companies’ interests.
  D. Scientists have tended to be less concerned about the regimentation of industrial research than nonscientists generally assume.
  E. Scientists should be more skeptical than they generally have been about the reliability of research conducted by for-profit companies.
  3. The author of the passage mentions companies’ recognition that “the results of scientific investigation were necessarily uncertain” primarily in order to
  A. suggest that industrial scientists often faced a different set of challenges than did academic scientists.
  B. present a premise that motivated some companies’ policies regarding their scientists’ research.
  C. explain how companies calculated possible future profits from research undertaken by their scientists.
  D. refute a common assumption about the costs associated with industrial research relative to the costs of academic research.
  E. explain how the expectations of scientists conducting industrial research differed from those of scientists conducting academic research.

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联 系 人:张生(先生) 

公司电话: 13988888888




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