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最后更新: 2022-06-11 08:31
浏览次数: 71
热议雅思写作大作文范文|关于机器人利弊的雅思范文 详细说明
  雅思写作大作文范文|关于机器人利弊的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。广州雅思英语培训对历年常见的雅思作文考题进行分析,为广大考生提供范文与解析,以下就是广州雅思英语培训小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于机器人利弊的雅思范文。   For centuries, people have fantasizedthat someday machines could have intelligence likemankind and work as faithfulservants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks torapiddevelopment in artificial intelligence research. Wonderful as this seems,machines haveproblems.   To begin with, people lose jobs whenmachines take their places, especially in the massproduction industry such asautomobile business. In factories of the famous car company Ford,almost everystep of car making is done by giant robots that work faster with higherreliabilityand precision than human labor. Because of the adoption of robots,thousands of workers areput out of their old jobs and forced to make changesin their work. Even such changes createjob opportunities because robots needpeople to take care of and operate, the number of newjobs is much smaller thanthat of lost, thus causing huge pressure on the labor market andgovernment.   People become less smart because ofthe wide use of machines in their life. Nowadayspeople need to use their brainless than they did in the past. Everything is programmed and theonly thing weneed to do is to push a button or throw on a switch. This has given usgreatconvenience but made us lazier and less smart. Everyone has the awkwardmomenttroubling with the spelling of a simple word when writing with a pen. But withacomputer, it will automatically proofread the spelling and grammar of yourwriting. So peoplebecome less concerned with learning things right. This isnot a progress but a regress of ourintelligence and culture.   But machines have many benefits thatnobody can deny such as great work efficiency andlow cost of mass workload that could take months to finish by manual laborcould be doneflawlessly by robots in minutes. We have more purchasing power to enjoy awidervariety of goods and services because of the reduction of production costs withfactoriesusing machines. Other benefits include that machines could dodangerous jobs for people inhigh risk businesses like mining and construction.   To conclude, machines have many meritsthat make our life easier and more convenient,but they have caused manyproblems such as undercutting our job opportunities andoverdependence onmachines.   以上就是广州雅思英语培训小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于关于机器人利弊的雅思范文。同时广州雅思英语培训小编也建议各位雅思学子平时多看多写雅思作文,雅思考试时才能行云流水,一气呵成。
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