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最后更新: 2022-06-13 22:57
浏览次数: 86
总算懂了社会类雅思写作范文之出口食品 详细说明

  考题重现:Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables tocountries where they cannot be grown or are out of season. Some peoplesay it is a good thing, but other people think it can't be justified. Discussboth views and give your own opinion.
  核心词汇:air transport, exported food

  “Food miles” is a concept that is often tossed around in environmentally concerned circles these days. You may have seen celebrity chefs discussing the concept of food miles during their cooking shows, or you may have seen advertisements which make people aware of the food miles issue. Personally, it has both pros and cons.

  Maybe local food is more environmentally favorable. The reason usually given for this is that imported food requires a lot of fossil fuel(and produces a lot of carbon emissions) to get it to the market. Locally grown food, however, requires less fossil fuel and therefore puts out less carbon I greenhouse emissions and is better on a global scale. However, the food miles argument has a few flaws to some extent. One popular image that has been buzzed around by the media regarding the “imported food” issue is the idea that the produce is carried by air. Air transport isa very big producer of greenhouse gases (although the aviation industry is working on improving this) and the concept of produce freighted from one side of the world to the other is repellent to many environmentally aware people. However, it does enrich the diet of tables in the local places and promote international transportation.

  But, locally produced food is always fresher, which means that it usually has more vitamins and antioxidants in a useable way. They arc better for people. Besides, fruits and vegetables that have been grown locally are probably allowed to ripen naturally for longer, rather than being picked under-ripe to reduce spoilage in transit. They may also not undergo certain treatment to increase their shelf life. What's more, locally grown vegetables usually vary according to seasons. What'sin season and grown locally is usually cheaper. This is a way to save money and to add some variety into people's diet.

  According to traditional Chinese medicine, in-season food has the right “stuff” in them to enhance one's health at that time of the year. So it is much better to have local food mainly and with imported food as supplementary dishes.   【范文译文】
  【亮点句型】   maybe sth. is more environmentally favorable。
  Maybe local food is more environmentally favorable.

  the reason usually given for this is that。
  The reason usually given for this is that imported food requires a lot of fossil fuel (andproduces a lot of carbon emissions) to get it to the market.

  it does enrich sth. and promote sth.
  it does enrich the diet of tables in the local places and promote internationaltransportation.

  it is much better to do sth.
  So it is much better to have local food mainly and with imported food assupplementary dishes.
  更多雅思考试资讯请进入【朗阁雅思】/member/   更多雅思考试培训请进入【广州朗阁雅思】
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