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最后更新: 2022-06-18 23:55
浏览次数: 104
终于明白关于宠物的SAT作文范文 详细说明
  At dusk in summer, one can see some odd sights in the park. A young man walks with his PETs: a duck and, close behind, a dog. The duck is especially humorous -when its owner walks fast, it picks up the PACe by pumping its short little legs quicker, making its already heavily wobbling rear end sway even faster. Sometimes the owner would break into a slight jog, and the dog, with four legs, easily keeps pace, both leaving the duck far behind. The duck utters cries of distress and waves its pair of wings, flying low in the air, past the dog, landing by the man. Other people in the park would stare on in awe, breaking into applause. The man and his pets continue to run,without a sign of acknowLEDging the crowd's wonder. Sometimes the pets would help each other; if the duck couldn't get past a high hill, the dog would stand behind the duck and use its muzzle to boost its feathery friend. A few pushes and they've both crested the hill, continuing on their way.   In the park we can also see other interesting things: near sunset, an old man comes with his dog, stopping at a bench. When the old man sticks out one finger, the dog barks once; the old man reaches inside his shirt pocket to produce a plastic bottle and pours out a small treat for the dog. When the man sticks out five fingers, the dog barks loudly five times; it never made a mistake. After seeing this man for quite some time, I learned that his dog's name is called Susan.   Some Americans have pigs as pets: some are given pig-fitted clothing and taken to stroll outside. At night the animal may be allowed to sleep with its owner on the bed;during visits to relatives the pet may be brought along also. I remember a few years ago there was a newspaper story about an American lady who brought her pet pig onto a plane. The result was that after liftoff, the pig wasn't used to the pressure change and ran up and down aisles, squealing up a racket. Since then, airline companies have banned pet pigs from flying. This will probably cause dissent from pet pigs everywhere.   Some take mountain goats as pets, such as one family in south Austin. The goat is in their front yard, with its beard extremely fuzzy and wonderful. Many pedestrians stop to stare, and some bring fresh bunches of green grass. However, the goat's smell is intense, causing many American women to stay far away from the yard, sometimes even pinching their noses as they walk by. This is probably why the goat doesn't get the same treatment as the pig of sleeping indoors.   If pets are sick, the owners are sometimes more sentimental than if they themselves were sick. In addition to taking them to the vet, owners also mourn and worry, shedding plenty of tears. Once, one of Dad's students was buying the Chinese patent herbal medicine “Rambling Powder. ” Concerned, he asked her, “Are you really going to take it? ” She replied that it was for her little dog. My father's curiosity was piqued, asking her how she knew that her dog was depressed. She replied, “Animals are like people. They have plenty of feelings too, ” a sentence that made Dad speechless.   Owners also tend to pamper their pets. There's a Chinese family on the street next to ours who have has a large hound, as strong and big as a small horse. They have a single-person sofa, a two-person, and a three-person. The two-person couch is the dog's special throne; he doesn't let anyone else sit on it. Whenever guests come, the family warns them to leave that couch alone. The dog doesn't care about guest/host relationships; he flops onto the sofa and spreads his legs comfortably. He stares at the television, along with the hosts, who are extremely proud of their television-watching dog.   This well-built pet dog once played a trick on my mom and scared her half to death. It was a winter night; Mom had checked the mail and was walking back,absentmindedly staring at the letters, completely unaware of her surroundings.   Suddenly she felt that someone was sticking his head over to peek at her mail and newspapers. She thought it was me bothering her and finally raised her head, but instead of me, she stared into the eyes of a huge dog. She was immediately frightened; her face lost all color. Dropping her papers, she sprinted a few meters forward and looked back. The dog still stood there, unmoving, silent, with an upright air, as if to say, “Why are you so UPSet? I was just looking at the papers. ” My friend, the owner of the dog, laughed, “Look! My dog didn't move at all; rather YOU were the one who was frightened! ”   Americans love many kinds of pets and have good relationships with them. Some immigrants view having a car, house, Green Card, and pets as the four most important goals in the American Dream.   以上就是关于宠物的SAT作文范文,深圳环球教育邀您一起来看看关于本篇文章考官的评价吧。
  Comments:The love of our pets makes a mystifying impression on immigrants that come to America. A wonderful,but true, laughable narrative.   评语:我们对宠物的喜爱给来美国的移民留下了一个难解的印象。一篇令人称奇但却真实有趣的故事。   深圳环球教育也为大家准备了关于宠物的SAT作文范文的翻译,帮助大家更好的理解吸收,希望大家取长补短,更轻松的攻克SAT写作。
  在夏日傍晚的时候,你能在公园里看到一些奇特的景观。一位年轻人与他的宠物们一起散步:一只鸭子,紧随其后的是一条狗。那只鸭子特别滑稽-当它的主人走得很快时,它便更快地移动它那又短又小的双腿来加快它的速度,使得本来就摇摇摆摆的尾巴摆得更厉害了。有时,主人改为慢跑,小狗凭借着四条腿很容易地保持速度不掉队,他们俩都将鸭子远远地抛在后面。这时,伤心的鸭子嘎嘎地叫着,扇动它的翅膀,在低空中飞起来,掠过小狗,在主人的旁边着陆。公园里的其他人肃然起敬地看着他们,继而欢呼鼓掌。年轻人和他的宠物们继续跑着,丝毫不理会人群里发出的惊叹声。有时宠物们还能互相帮助呢:如果鸭子爬不过一道高坡时,小狗会站在鸭子的后面,用它的嘴巴和鼻子去推抬这位长着羽毛的朋友。推了几下之后,它们俩都爬过坡顶,继续赶路。   在公园里,我们还能看到其他有趣的事情:太阳快落山的时候,一位老人带着他的小狗来到这里,在一条长凳处停下。老人伸出一根手指,小狗会“汪”地叫一声;老人便从他的衬衣口袋里掏出一个塑料瓶,倒出一小块零食给它。当老人伸出五个指头时,小狗会“汪,汪,汪,汪,汪”地大声叫五次,从未出过错。在看到这位老人许多次之后,我弄清楚他的小狗名叫“苏珊”。   有的美国人将猪当作宠物:有的宠物猪穿上为其量身定做的衣服,被带着外出溜达。晚上,它还可以被允许与主人一起睡在上;走亲访友时,宠物猪也被带着前往。我记得几年前报纸上登过一则故事,讲的是一位美国妇女带着她的宠物猪上飞机。结果在飞机起飞之后,小猪不适应气压的变化,在飞机过道里上窜下跳,发出尖叫声。从此以后,航空公司禁止宠物猪登机飞行。这可能会引起各地宠物猪们的异议。   还有人将山羊当作宠物,比如住在奥斯汀市区南部的一户人家。山羊被圈养在他们家的前院里,它的胡须毛绒绒的,令人啧啧称奇。许多路过的行人都会驻足观赏,有的还带给它几簇新鲜的青草。不过,山羊身上的气味实在太浓烈了,许多美国妇女只能站在离院子远远的地方,有时甚至掩鼻而过。也许正是因为这个原因,这只山羊没有得到像宠物猪一样在屋里睡觉的相同待遇。   要是宠物们生病了,主人们有时比他们自己生了病还伤感。除了带它们看宠物医生外,主人们还会哀痛担心,流下很多眼泪。有一次,爸爸的一位学生正在购买中成药逍遥散。带着一份关心,他问了她一句:“你真的打算服用它吗?”她回答说这是为她的小狗买的。爸爸更好奇了,追问她是如何知道她的狗情绪低落的。她回答说:“动物跟人类一样,它们也有丰富的感情。”一句话让爸爸哑然无语。   主人们也容易溺爱他们的宠物。在我家隔壁的街道上有一家中国人,他们养了一条巨型猎犬,像一匹小马般高大健壮。他们家有一张单人沙发,一张双人沙发和一张三人沙发。双人沙发是这条狗的专有宝座;它不让其他任何人坐在上面。每当有客人来访的时候,这家人会提醒他们不要去碰那张沙发。这只狗可不在意客人和主人的关系好不好;他猛地趴到沙发上,舒舒服服地伸展着四肢。   他与主人一家一起盯着电视机看。主人特别以他们这只会看电视的狗而自豪。   这只体型健壮的宠物狗有一次还和我妈妈开了个玩笑,把她吓个半死。那是一个冬天的晚上,妈妈取了信,一边往回走,一边心不在焉地看着手里的信件,完全没有注意到她周围的情况。突然,她觉得有人伸过头来窥视她的信和报纸。她以为是我在捣乱,然而当她终于抬起头来,看见的不是我,而是一只大狗的眼睛,她立即大惊失色。她将信和报纸一扔,向前冲出了几米远,然后回过头来张望。那狗却仍然站在那儿,一动也不动,静默无声,一副谦谦君子的样子,好像在说:“你为什么这么不高兴呀?我只不过是看看报纸而己嘛。”我的朋友,即这只狗的主人,笑着说:“你看!我的狗可一点儿也没有动;你倒是被吓坏了的那一个!”   美国人喜爱各种各样的宠物,与它们保持了良好的关系。有的外来移民将拥有汽车、房子、绿卡和宠物看作是实现美国梦的四个重要的目标。

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