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最后更新: 2022-07-16 04:36
浏览次数: 88
总算知道问路的英语情景对话 详细说明
  [图片0] 英语问路情景对话:   A: Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?   A:对不起,我迷路了,请问您能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?   B: I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.   B:我正朝那边去。让我给你带路吧!   A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?   A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方?   B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.   B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。   A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?   A:哦!我想我迷路了。我能否从这里到火车站呢?   B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.   B:顺这条街一直走过两个街区,然后左转。   A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.   A:对不起,打扰一下,不知您能否帮助我,我在找博物馆。   B: Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.   B:哇,你是迷路了。它在城的那头。   A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?   A:哦!太糟糕了!那我怎么去博物馆呢?   B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a bus to get there.   B:您可以在此乘坐24路公共汽车换乘83路公共汽车到那里。   Asking and Directing the Way(问路和指路)   A.Asking the way: 如何问   1、Can you tell me the way to the post office?   2、Is this the way to the post office?   3、Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?   4、Which is the nearest way to the post office?   5、Is the post office far from here?   6、How long will it take me to get to the post office?   7、Excuse me, is there a post office near here?   8、Excuse me, does this bus go to the post office?   B.Responses: 如何答   1、Go ahead till you come to the next crossing.   2、No, it's not far from here. It's only about ten minutes' walk.   3、It's about 200 yards down the street.   4、Take Bus and it will take you right there.   5、Go down the street and take the second turning on the left.   更多精彩内容,请关注:东莞美联英语

商务英语情景对话 如何用英语点餐 机场情景英语对话 简单英语对话

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