Howlong can Eco Mark be indicated after the conclusion of Eco Mark contract ?
Eco Mark Utilization Contract willbe renewed automatically for every single year by payment of an Annual Fee tillthe expiry date set for every Certification Criteria.(no renewal procedure arerequired) Therefore, using and displaying Eco Mark is accepted for thecertified product concerned until the expiry date concerned. (it is the datefor the extension according to the regulation) Also, the use, the indication,etc. of Eco Mark is successfully attained until the expiry date of the newversion of Certification Criteria documents after the next day of expiry date,by obtaining a new certification subject to the new version of theCertification Criteria newly enacted before the expiry date.
2018年Eco Mark认证价格 周期?
2018年Eco Mark认证价格 周期是临安科达认证技术咨询服务有限公司的主要产品,我们的产品负责人是韦小姐,我们的地址是浙江省杭州市临安市花桥路68号中国跨境园区B幢310,期待与您的合作!