常州兰贝地板有限公司初期是生产钢制防静电活动地板、网络地板、 硫酸钙防静电地板、瓷砖面防静电活动地板等的实体企业,公司创立于 1999 年,公司占地面积大约 30000 平方米。经过十多年的发展及创新,现公司已 积累了雄厚的技术力量和经过更新换代的设备,数年来一直是防静电地 板行业的先驱。为适应新时代,创造一个装饰装修行业地材的又一个新时代, 我司投入大量的资金和精力,研发出了新型环保模块化装配式干法施工地暖 地板,该产品一改传统装修所有痛点和弊端,是真正的新时代的实用地材。 一直以来公司都是在质量铸就品牌,服务值得信赖的理念下使企业不断地成 长壮大,我们期望用我们的热诚伴随您的企业一起壮大。 Changzhou lambei Flooring Co., Ltd. is an entity enterprise specializing in the production of steel anti-static raised floor, network floor, calcium sulfate anti-static floor, tile su-ce anti-static raised floor, etc. founded in 1999, the company covers an area of about 30000 square meters. After more than ten years of development and innovation, the company has accumulated strong technical force and updated advanced equipment, and has been a pioneer in the anti-static floor industry for several years. In order to adapt to the new era and create a new era of floor materials for decoration industry, our company has invested a lot of funds and efforts to develop a new type of environmental protection modular assembly dry construction floor heating. This product is the most practical floor material in the real new era, once all the pain points and disadvantages of traditional decoration are changed. The company has always been in the quality of the brand, the concept of trustworthy service to enable the company to continue to grow, we hope to use our enthusiasm with your company to grow. 企业文化:团结 诚信 高效 负责 勤奋 企业宗旨: 以高的效率为客户提供需要产品 在短的时间内为客户提供需要的服务 企业精神:为顾客创造价值 帮员工实现梦想