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信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  考题一:Example 模式
  Step 1 I enjoy 动词ing 某笼统类型的something
  Step 2 Such as ___ and____
  Step 3 I think 给予观点
  例如: Do you enjoy doing sports? Yea I do, I enjoy doing outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it‘s really healthy. Do you enjoy doing sports? Yea I do, I‘m into doing some contact sports such as football and basketball, I think it’s really intense and I love the body contact between players. Do you enjoy playing games? Yea I do, I enjoy playing computer games such as CS and WOW, I think it‘s really fun and t’s a wonderful way to loosen up. What kinds of films do you enjoy watching? I love watching Hollywood films such as Lord of the Rings and The Avengers, I think it has wonderful special effects and the plot is exciting.
  考题二:WH句型 此考题用于说个人习惯 what who when where why
  Step 1-WHAT I 动词 名词
  Step 2 –WHO With my friends/family/By myself
  Step 3 – WHEN During my time off / During my weekends / During my holidays Or When I‘m feeling bored / When I‘m feeling tired / When I‘m feeling happy/down
  Step 4- WHERe At… / To…
  Step 5 – WHY To (为了…) To have fun 为了好玩儿 To get some exercise 锻炼身体 To enjoy myself 自己享受 To improve my____. 提高我的… To keep fit 保持健康 To loosen up 放松 To enrich myself 充实自己 To kill time 打发时间
  例如: I watch films by myself during my time off at home to enjoy myself. I do sports with my friends during my weekends at the park to keep fit. I go traveling with my family during my holidays to many foreign countries to expand my horizons.
  考题三:Personal experience
  Step 1 I remember when I was a kid… I remember a while ago…
  Step 2 I did something… Something happened… Someone did something…
  Step 3 I thought it was ____ so I started to _____. (用于衬托喜好) It made me into a ____ person.
  例如: I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought I could learn a lot of new things so I started to enjoy going to museums. I remember when I was a kid, I always listened to my mother sing, I thought it was so beautiful so I started to enjoy singing.
  考题一 考题二 Do you enjoy doing sports? Yea I do, I enjoy doing some outdoor sports such as basketball and football, I think it‘s really healthy, I play basketball with my friends during my weekends at the park to get some exercise. Do you enjoy cooking? Yea I do, I enjoy cooking Chinese food such as GBJD and TDS, I think it‘s really good, I cook with my mother during my weekends at home to enjoy myself.
  考题二 考题三 Yea I do, I enjoy going to cultural museums, such as history museums and art museums, I think it makes my free time productive, I remember when I was a kid, my parents took me to museums very often, I thought I could learn a lot of new things so I started to enjoy going to museums.

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