终于知晓校园里常用的英语口语表达 英语入门


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终于知晓校园里常用的英语口语表达 英语入门

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  pay attention to one's teacher

信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  pay attention to one's teacher
  -pay more attention to your teacher when having a class。
  -i want to, but i can't concentrate on the subject。
  flock around one's teacher
  -the children flocked around their teacher。
  -they were attracted deeply by the story the teacher told。
  explain something to one's teacher
  -i was absented from class yesterday because my mother was ill。
  -you should have explained that to your teacher。
  buy one's teacher a present
  -tomorrow is teachers' day。
  -i suggest you buy your teacher some presents. what do you think?
  present flowers to one's teacher
  -did you attend the graduation ceremony yesterday?
  -sure. it was moving that students presented flowers to their teachers。
  fall short of the expectations of one's teacher
  -i think the principal's speech encouraged me deeply and doubled my confidence. the bitterness and tiredness of the past are now transformed into aspiration for the future。
  -i have the same feeling. i thought that i would do my best to study well in the future thus not to fall short of the expectations of my teachers and my parents。
  *live up to / come up to / meet one's expectations 不辜负某人的期望
  stand well with one's teacher
  -john stands well with his teachers。
  -yes. he's a student with excellent morals and academic skills, so he's popular with all his classmates and teachers。
  get a rap on the knuckles from the teacher
  -he got a rap on the knuckles from the teacher for not finishing his homework。
  -he deserved it. he spent the whole night on the internet。
  *(give somebody/get) a rap on/over/across the knuckles - (to give somebody/receive) strong criticism for something (给某人以/受到)严厉谴责,厉声训斥
  respect one's teacher
  -we should respect our teachers. you shouldn't have answered your teacher back in class。
  -it was an impulse. i couldn't stand her。
  acknowledge one's debt to one's teacher
  -congratulations! you finished top in the final examination。
  -thank you very much. i don't know what to say. i want to acknowledge my debt to my teacher first。

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