终于明了托福考试听力材料中的语音语调分享 新托福


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终于明了托福考试听力材料中的语音语调分享 新托福

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-11-24 20:33:01  浏览次数:33

  经过了7天的学习,我们听完也分析了托福 TPO 42的口语部分task 3的听力部分,今天作为一个小总结,我们直接来完整的听一遍这个对话吧~

信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  经过了7天的学习,我们听完也分析了托福 TPO 42的口语部分task 3的听力部分,今天作为一个小总结,我们直接来完整的听一遍这个对话吧~
  Now listen to two students discussing the article.
  I just don't know about this decision.
  It sort of makes sense to me.
  Not to me. I don't understand their reasoning. I mean, what's wrong with small classes? I think that's what students actually prefer. And it's easy to see why.
  Yeah, you do get to participate more.
  Definitely. You can be more actively involved...get more attention and support.
  It's just a better way to learn.
  OK, but there is that survey...
  I don't know what students they asked, but I know a lot of people who feel just the opposite. I mean, what does "experienced" mean, anyway? Sometimes it means you've been teaching the same subject for 20 years and you're probably tired of it by now and maybe not very enthusiastic.
  Yeah, that does happen.
  Whereas if it's the first time or maybe second you're teaching a class, well, it's going to be more exciting to you, and you're going to communicate that excitement to the people you're teaching. At least, that's how I see it.

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