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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-05-31 18:22:30  浏览次数:37
核心提示:商务英语备忘录范文 MEMO To: Liu Yong, Salesperson From: Song Chunqiu, Controller Subject: Reimbursement for Travel Expense
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
商务英语备忘录范文 MEMO To: Liu Yong, Salesperson From: Song Chunqiu, Controller Subject: Reimbursement for Travel Expenses Date: 20 June, 2009 Your request for reimbursement of travel expenses for your June3 to 9 trip to New York is now being processed. n reviewing the form you submitted for reimbursement, we noted that you listed taxi-cab fares for which no receipts were attached. Company procedures require that receipts be submitted for all refunded expenses except meals and tips. Will you please send us the receipts for $ in taxicab fares. Then, we can send you a check for $, the full amount of your request. We will issue your reimbursement check within three days after receiving the receipts.   [注]   ①controller :审计主管。   ②reimbursement:报销。   ③Company procedures require that receipts be submitted。

TO: Secretariat FROM: Procurement Dept. SUBJECT: Procedures for Using the New Photocopier   We have just purchased the latest photocopier for use byyou. This is the new model just put out this year. As it is a sophisticated machine, you have to use it cautiously. In additionto reading the instruction book, let us explain the procedures asfollows。   1. Prepare the carbon power adequately.   2. Put paper in right size in place.   3. Select the right epitomizing scale.   4. Select the right number of copies you want.   5. Push the start button.   6. If a piece of paper cannot come out, open the lower case and find the cause.   Read the instruction book carefully and the machine can be used for the longest possible time. Then follow these procedures and you can get ideal copies.   【注】   Put paper in right size in place.将一定规格的纸张放在适当的位置。   right epitomizing scale:恰当的缩放比例
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