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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-30 09:56:41  浏览次数:52
核心提示:  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,广州朗阁雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于人口数量增长的雅思作文范文
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888
  雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,广州朗阁雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于人口数量增长的雅思作文范文。 [图片0]
  The line graphs indicate the growing trend of urban and rural population and that of different age groupsin northern Pacific Ocean countries from 1950 to 2040.   The number of people inhabiting the countryside remained steady at 1 million throughout the second halfof the 20th century. The population then began to present a slight growth. As is predicted, million citizens will be living in rural areas by the year2040. There were only million urban-dwellers in1950. The .gure stayed at almost the same level until the end of the 2040, the number is expected torise steeply to 17 million. The total population is expected to increase 5 fold in 2040.   According to the second line graph,the population over the age of 65 was around 2 million over these years, except a temporary slight fall in the number of children under 15 experienced soft eluctuation, rising from million in 1950 to million a decade later. Then a slight fall occurred, with the number dropping to less than million. It was not until the end of the 20th century that the size of the youngest population resumed, and is predicted to grow mildly to million in 2040. The biggest change took place in the population of those between 15 and 45. It grew from only 4 million in 1950 to 7 million at the beginning of the new sharp increase is still ahead and by the year 2040, it might rise to 18 million.   To sum up, rural population has developed at a slower and steadier , the aging population is expected to increase sharply in the future.

  该曲线图表明1950年至2040年北太平洋国家城市与农村不同年龄群体人口的增长趋势。   在20世纪的后50年里,农村居民人数平稳保持在100万,随后略有增长。预计到2040年将有250万人居住在农村地区。1950年,城市居民人口仅为260万,直至20世纪70年代末此数字几乎保持在同一水平。到2040年,城市人口将激增至1700万,而城市与农村的人口总数预计会翻5番。   根据曲线图二,这些年,65岁以上人口数量为 200万左右,但是20世纪60年代时有一次短暂且轻微的下降。15岁以下儿童人口数量经历了小幅波动,从1950年的250万上升至10年后的270万。随后略有下降,降至不足250万。直到20世纪末年龄小的人口数量又增长了,预计2040年将小幅上升至280万。15岁至45岁人口数量经历了的变化,从1950年的仅400万增长至新世纪初的700万,以后仍有大幅增长的势头,到2040年,可能增至1800万。   总的来说,农村人口的增长更加缓慢与平稳。此外,老龄人口数量预计未来会出现急剧增长。
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