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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2022-06-30 10:58:51  浏览次数:57
核心提示:  每个人多希望在生日时会有一个难忘的生日会,那么令你难忘的生日又是怎么样的呢?以下是由北京环球雅思为您整理的关于庆祝生日的雅思常见口语对话。

  1. How do people celebrate birthdays
信息发布者: 勤学思教育网VIP 联系方式: 13988888888

  1. How do people celebrate birthdays in your country?   在中国.人们怎么庆祝生日?
  In China,people usually invite their close friends and family members out to dinner. A big birthday cake is a must. After dinner,they go to karaoke bars to continue the party.   在中国,人们一般邀请他们的好友和家人外出吃饭庆祝。肯定会有一个大生日蛋糕。 吃完饭,大家会去卡拉OK厅继续聚会。
   2. Do you remember the best birthday party you went to?   你记得棒的生日聚会吗?
  I remember about 5 years ago,I went to my best friend's birthday party. It was at a karaoke bar. We surprised the birthday girl with a huge room full of pink balloons,a big cheese cake with her face and name on it。and a mixed CD with her favorite songs. It was the best birthday party ever!   我记得5年前,去参加我比较好朋友的生日聚会.在一个卡拉OK吧里举行。我们为这个朋友准备了惊喜,在房间里面放满了粉色气球,一个有她的脸和名字的奶酪蛋糕,还有一张刻满她喜欢的歌的CD。那个生日聚会是棒的。
  3. Do you remember the best birthday gift ever?   你记得比较好的生日礼物吗?   Yes .I still remember when I was 10,my mom gave me a pocket watch. It was an antique. I was very proud of it and brought it with me everywhere I went.   是的.我记得我十岁的时候,妈妈送给我一只怀表。那是一只古董表。我把它随身带着,特别自豪。
  4. What do you get for your friends for their birthday?   你朋友过生日的时候,你送他们什么?
  If my friends give me a special request,I will get something according to their request. Otherwise I will pick out something that suits their personality and the situation. For in-stance,my best friend likes cosmetic products,so I bought her a face mask that she had always wanted for her birthday.   假如朋友特别要求特定的礼物,我就会根据要求准备。其他时候,我都是挑选适合朋友个性和当时情况的礼物。比如我的闺蜜喜欢化妆品,我就在她生日的时候送给她一个她一直想要的面膜。

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